Industry-leading Geological & Engineering Consulting Firm

Southwest US
Client Code: BN000057340
Revenue (TTM): $9,915,343
EBITDA (TTM): $502,509

The Company is a geological and engineering consulting firm providing specialized professional and technical services to industry. Robust in-house capabilities include carbon capture, utilization and storage (CCUS), acid gas injection (AGI) feasibility studies, fate & transport analysis, management and geologic sequestration of greenhouse gases (GHGs), and implementation of 45Q guidelines and federal and state laws.

Key Aspects
  • Operating for more than three decades while leveraging a highly skilled team with comprehensive environmental and geological experience resulting in year over year profitability
  • Specialized expertise in geologic sequestration of CCUS as an environmentally responsible and cost-effective alternative for natural gas processing
  • Services a well-established, tenured client base consisting primarily of Fortune 100 & 500 companies involved in large-scale industrial oil & gas operations as well as clients undergoing M&A due diligence.
  • Long-term client support contracts for AGI operation and regulatory compliance.
  • Established a program to successfully permit AGI and CCUS facilities to obtain 45Q tax credits.
  • Expand oil and gas development in the Permian and other basins to create significant new opportunities for AGI projects where the Company has a dominant market presence.
  • Government-provided incentives (45Q) and ongoing external pressure on climate control change will continue to drive ongoing client AGI and CCUS projects, according to ownership
  • Ownership attests that new EPA regulations influencing the per/polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) standards and levels of enforcement will provide other diverse and lucrative litigation support opportunities
  • Helium, lithium, and geothermal project development offers the opportunity to expand into additional markets utilizing the same technologies the company already implements in other areas of excellence, according to ownership
  • Southwest U.S.
Current Markets
  • The Company primarily serves Fortune 100 & 500 clients in the midstream oil & gas industry predominantly for CCUS and AGI needs. The Company provides support for 45Q guidelines and federal and state environmental law requirements. The geographic reach of the Company includes the United States, Europe, and Latin America. 
Real Estate
  • The Company operates from a 3,512 square-foot office space, which is leased from an unrelated third party. The lease may be assumed by new ownership post-sale.