Provider of Vacuum Pump Sales and Service Solutions

Western U.S.
Business Services; Consumer, Food & Retail
Client Code: BN000055952
Revenue (TTM): $3,581,399
EBITDA (TTM): $871,702

The Company specializes in the sales, repair, and maintenance of vacuum pumps. The company serves a wide range of industries, including electronics, biomedical, manufacturing, pharmaceutical, semiconductor, and food and beverage.

Key Aspects

Revenue Growth: Total revenue grew at a compound annual growth rate of 16.5% from 2020 to the trailing twelve months (TTM) ending March 31, 2024.

Strong Margins: From 2020 through 2023, the Company maintained an average gross profit and adjusted EBITDA margin of 43.7% and 21.8%, respectively.

Long-Standing Presence: Throughout its 20-year operating history, the Company has developed a strong reputation for the quality of its products and professional services.

Variety of Services: The Company operates as a one-stop shop, providing its clients with vacuum pump products, timely in-house repair services, maintenance, and equipment rentals.


Enhance Marketing Efforts: Refine marketing workflows and embrace new tactics to elevate brand visibility and drive lead growth.

Industrial Market Penetration: Intensify presence in the industrial sector by catering to specific needs and extending the Company's product portfolio.

Geographic Expansion: Explore prospects in untapped regions to diversify client base and reduce market dependency.

Technological Advancement: Allocate resources towards artificial intelligence (AI) and advanced technologies to elevate client support, create interactive training modules, and optimize operational effectiveness.

Product Line Expansion: Ongoing expansion of product line with offerings such as adhesive coatings, expansion joints, valves, and filtration systems.


• Western U.S.

Current Markets

• The Company serves clients, end-users, and third-party agents in the semiconductor, food & beverage, high vacuum, and industrial vacuum industries.

Real Estate

• The Company leases a 17,000 sq. ft. property in located in the Western U.S. from an unrelated third party. Management notes that the lease is assumable by new ownership and that there is room for expansion at the facility.