Independent Single Source Supplier of Lubricants and Associated Products to a Variety of Industries Including, Agriculture, Automotive, Marine with Expertise in Coolant Management services to Engineering and Aerospace.

Energy & Power; Industrial & Manufacturing
Client Code: BN000051690
Turnover (Projected): £4,229,000
EBITDA (Projected): £431,000

Highly regarded distributor of lubricants and management services to a loyal and high-quality client base across the UK. Being supplied by major oil companies and smaller niche manufacturers, the company serves a diverse range of clients across industries, including the automotive, industrial, agricultural, marine, aerospace and engineering sectors. Furthermore, the company has the ability to review their clients operations regarding lubricants, recommend and supply the correct products to ensure their clients maximise their operational efficiency.

Key Aspects

• Contracts and stocking agreements in place with multiple clients.

• No single client accounts for more than 9% of total revenue, reducing the risk of overreliance.

• Over 80% of business is generated through repeat clients.

• High quality and low risk client base, with regular orders from clients.

• Diverse supplier network, consisting of both major oil companies, as well as smaller niche providers.

• Serves a wide range sectors, including (but not limited to): automotive, industrial, agricultural, marine and aerospace.

• All distribution is conducted in-house and in an efficient timeframe.

• In-house technical team and coolant management service team, with fully equipped vehicles.

• Strong and growing order book with the company recently gaining new accounts with multiple clients.

• Loyal staff, with high staff retention over the past five years.

• Coolant trials are currently ongoing in 17 companies on a number of trial machines, this is a strong part of the company’s sales strategy. 


• Potential for acquirers with connections to machine manufacturers to possibly increase the company’s coolant management services.

• Opportunity for international lubricant distributors to gain a presence in the UK market, as well as access to a high-quality client base and reliable supplier network.

• Acquirers with established marketing resources would be primed to introduce a new and innovative marketing campaign to boost sales.

• Through using the company’s large and diverse commercial database, there is further potential to continue developing its client base within the engineering and aerospace sectors.

• Opportunity to expand the business offering to include a health & safety and awareness in manufacturing service.

• Potential for lubricant or fuel distributors wishing to sell lubricants to expand their offering, as well as inherit the company’s expertise and diverse client network.
